
Alternatives-Cameroun is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting freedom, tolerance and respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in Cameroon. Established in 2006, Alternatives-Cameroun seeks to build a strong, dignified and democratic Cameroonian society free of discrimination and stigmatization.

Alternatives-Cameroun’s mission includes advocating nationally and internationally for the human rights of the LGBTI population. The association also provides direct support to individual community members in the form of healthcare for those with HIV, reintegration services for those leaving prison, temporary shelter for those rejected by their families and legal assistance.

Their collaborative work brings together all people of good will irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity, to search for solutions to the problems faced by people vulnerable to all forms of discrimination.

Alternatives-Cameroun trains and mobilizes groups of human rights monitors to collect data on discriminatory treatment of LGBTI people with the long-term goal of ending all official discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Your support will allow Alternatives-Cameroun to continue its work to strengthen and empower individuals and the community struggling daily for dignity and security.

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