Asociación ALFIL – Identidades en diálogo

Asociación ALFIL is an Ecuadorian non-profit organization working to improve the rights of the LGBTI community through political advocacy, health programming, and intervening in cases of human rights violations and hate crimes.


  • Integrated Health Services: ALFIL is providing preventative and comprehensive medical, psychological services to improve the sexual, bodily and mental health particularly of the trans, intersex, and men who have sex with men communities in Quito, Ecuador. In terms of prevention, ALFIL is working with trans persons across seven provinces of the country to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDs within the community.
  • Human Rights Advocacy: ALFIL works in collaboration with other non-profit groups in Ecuador to advocate for improved policies and laws to ensure that the rights of all LGBTI persons in Ecuador are respected. When community members’ rights are violated, ALFIL intervenes in the case to help report the crime, pursue legal action, and demand that the government respond so that justice is served. ALFIL is also a member of a regional network of trans organizations – REDLACTRANS – advocating that the gender identity of trans persons be legally recognized across all Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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